Fuel Delivery: Residential & Commercial
We deliver to both Residential & Commercial.
#2 Home heating oil
#3 Off Road Diesel
#13 On Road Diesel
Delivery Options
Automatic Delivery: Most of our customers prefer automatic delivery because they don’t have to worry about how much fuel is in their tank. It is easy, convenient and FREE.We monitor your fuel use based on past usage and the weather, using our advanced degree-day tracking system. We then make deliveries accordingly, to avoid any risk of a run-out.
Will-Call Delivery: We also make fuel deliveries upon request. Simply notify our office as early as possible and we will schedule a delivery. Deliveries under this program are made subject to availability, within 24 to 48 hours. You can also schedule a delivery online. Email sales@shotmeyerbros.com or fill out the form to the right of this page to schedule your next delivery.
Payment Options / Smart Pay Budget Plan
You can pay us by cash, or credit card. Customers on our automatic delivery program also have the added convenience of our Smart Pay Budget Plan, which spreads out fuel bills evenly over 10 months, from June to March. Get big discounts for paying your fuel bill promptly. Contact us for details!
Heating Assistance Programs
LIHEAP – Download this informational brochure to learn more about heating assistance.
Fuel Marchants Association (Energy Today) – Receive accurate, up-to-date information that will help you make smart energy choices.
Citizens Energy – Click on the link or call 1-800-JOE-4OIL (1-800-367-4645). You could receive 100 gallons of oil FREE, if you qualify.
Tank Protection
The ProGuard tank protection program, available for both aboveground and underground tanks, eliminates worries about leaks from your fuel storage tank. ProGuard now offers third-party coverage. Request information about tank protection today.